If it's attention Chicago Sun-Times execs wanted by hiring the celebrity Jenny McCarthy as a columnist and blogger, they certainly got it. Perhaps not the kind they wanted.
Community & Public Health
The American Journal of Bioethics has published what has to be one of the longest corrections ever for an academic journal. And yet it manages to beg more questions than it answers.
More than one in four West Virginia fifth-graders are now obese. One in four already has high blood pressure. What's their future going to be?
Candida KingBird, 38, has lived a decade with diabetes and has five children, the last of whom nearly died from problems related to the disease after a cesarean section. Read about her journey through a difficulty, risky sixth pregnancy.
In 2010 the Hoopa Valley Tribe court reported that alcohol or substance abuse was a significant factor in 80 percent of the child abuse and neglect cases heard on the reservation.
Big stakes for California in Supreme Court health reform decision, pesticide risk for farmworkers investigated, Celebrex documents unsealed and more from our Daily Briefing.
This two-part series examines this issues on the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation:
Part 1: A Community's Struggle with Addiction
Part 2: Services Offered to Recovering Drug Users
<p>If you’ve joined the Pinterest revolution, you understand how important those Saturday morning pinning sessions can be for your wardrobe, DIY projects and your dream wedding planning (that you will forever hide from your novio). If you haven’t discovered the wondrous collection of organized pinni
Journalists Allie Hostler and Jacob Simas examine how people on the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation are dealing with rampant methamphetamine addiction.</p>
<p>Candida King Bird, 38, the diabetic pregnant mother featured in The Oregonian earlier this month, delivered a healthy 9-pound, 12-ounce girl on Thursday.</p>