Health Equity & Social Justice

About 400 unhoused people stay at Hotel Whitcomb, and many deal with substance use disorders. That means staff who work at the hotel are fighting to keep guests alive.

Race and Equity, Poverty and Class, Housing and Homeslessness

Building on Express-News Reporter Laura Garcia's in-depth series on health care disparities in San Antonio, she will engage a panel of experts in a frank discussion about such inequities on the South Side, as well as solutions.

Race and Equity, Environmental Health, Healthcare Regulation and Reform, Patient Safety and Ethics

The U.S. Supreme Court is poised to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade abortion decision, which has stood since 1973 but has been chiseled away in states across the nation. In this webinar, we’ll help you interpret and convey the dramatically shifting landscape and to report on one of the most polarizing issues in America.