My own morals and ethics frequently came into play, whether it was weighing the responsibility of protecting a source’s identity against the public’s need for transparency or deciding if a series like this warranted a more discerning look at certain systems and policies in place.
Food and Nutrition
The stories include people like Terry and John Rubiolo, who are living on their burned-out property and delivering food to about 80 people three times a week, because they know their neighbors are struggling.
To many of its approximately 2 million residents, Santa Clara County’s nickname “Valley of the Heart’s Delight” might seem like less of a nod to its agricultural roots and more tragically ironic.
In Salinas, overcrowded, unhealthy conditions are common for tens of thousands of farmworkers.
Despite Olympia’s efforts, hundreds of people remain in unsanctioned camps around the city. They invent ways to stay alive and help each other survive.
In California, the world’s fifth-largest economy, an estimated 1 million residents don’t have access to clean, safe drinking water. Many water districts are facing huge challenges.
Low wages and a stagnant housing market have pushed Salinas families to the margins. Advocates say the city’s low-income farmworker community bears the heaviest burden.
Roughly three months after its first foray north of the Del Norte County line, Food For People’s Mobile Produce Pantry will become a regular fixture in Klamath.
The first national study of the impact of lunch reforms led by Michelle Obama finds they didn't increase waste or drive up costs. But the nutritional value of the food did go up.
This story was produced as part of a larger project led by Will James, a participant in the 2019 National Fellowship.
Other stories in this series include:
Episode 1: The Rain
Episode 2: What Happened Here