Environmental Health

One out of four adults in California is a high school dropout. "Class Dismissed" takes an up-close look at the crisis through the lives of four young people from the Central Valley. The stories reveal what’s at stake for their future and ours.

Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Community Safety

As he tells it, Geronimo Garcia was on the path toward dropping out by the time he started school.

Race and Equity, Poverty and Class, Environmental Health, Mental Health, Community Safety

Three cohort studies in the United States are tracking the long-term consequences on the developing brain of pesticide exposure during pregnancy and the early years of life. The studies are finding troubling effects, such as IQ deficits and ADHD-like behavioral problems.

Environmental Health

Native American Rehabilitation Association of the Northwest, NARA, offers inpatient and outpatient drug treatment and a 70-bed residential program in Portland, Oregon.

Mental Health, Environmental Health

Research from across the nation shows that treating drug addiction reduces crime and medical expenses while boosting employment, meaning every dollar spent on treatment actually saves an average of $7.

Environmental Health, Poverty and Class

This two-part series examines this issues on the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation:
Part 1: A Community's Struggle with Addiction
Part 2: Services Offered to Recovering Drug Users 

Race and Equity, Environmental Health, Mental Health