How Waco is working together to improve families' education, finances and health.
Environment & Climate
Neighbors of the oil field are concerned about the safety of their drinking water wells, should new drilling and waste disposal edge closer to their properties in the coming years.
A deadly and growing threat to nursing home patients remains overlooked: extreme heat.
For years, the New River has been plagued by toxic pollutants and raw sewage spills. In 2016, two Desert Sun journalists set out to discover why.
Recent research suggests gardens and green spaces have a positive effect on nearby residents' mental health. L.A. County is embracing the strategy in Watts.
As many Paradise residents work to piece their lives back together they have the added weight of trauma from the Camp Fire.
Photos from Paradise, California, before and after the most devastating fire in the state's history largely destroyed the town.
Molly is one of the recipients of the 2018 Impact Fund, a program of USC Annenberg's Center for Health Journalism....
Can't find the data you need? Consider collecting it yourself, as reporter Sandy Mazza did through low-cost air monitors placed at homes around LA's ports.
Molly is one of the recipients of the 2018 Impact Fund, a program of USC Annenberg's Center for Health Journalism.