Wilmington, California, has experienced hundreds more deaths than it does on average. Power, pollution, and poverty all play a role.
Community Safety
This story is part of a larger project for the 2021 Data Fellowship, a program of the USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism....
One in three middle and high school students say they’ve been bullied, a new Southern California News Group analysis shows.
The same advice parents give children before heading to school or a friend's house can protect them from cyberbullies.
Children are not just witnesses but are also victims of domestic violence.
Diego Stolz, 13, was fatally assaulted at Landmark Middle School in 2019, but wrongful death lawsuit probably won’t be heard before 2023.
Recientemente, Willmington, California ha perdido más vidas de lo usual. El poder, la contaminación ambiental, y las dinámicas socioeconómicas tienen la culpa.
Inspector General Max Huntsman said he “received complaints from pregnant people in custody and their loved ones” about food and bottled water availability in jail, as well as out-of-cell time for exercise, and other issues.
El número de niños que cruza la frontera sur está aumentando otra vez. El Condado de Prince George los ayuda a sobrellevar la situación y a aprender
There's a pressing need for LA’s Office of Diversion and Reentry to scale up its diversion capacity for moms, but so far the money to do so hasn’t been there.